Paediatric Ophthalmology

Children’s Eyes

Children’s eyes are at a precious developmental stage in the first seven years of life and especially in the first year of life. Your child is never “too young” and rarely “too difficult” for an eye examination which can be done by a paediatric ophthalmologist at any time after birth if there are concerns about your child’s eyes or vision.

Common reasons your child may be referred for a specialist eye examination by Dr Sharwood include:

  • turned eyes/strabismus

  • concerns about their vision

  • watery/discharging eyes

  • persistent red/irritated eyes

  • abnormalities of the eye or eyelids

  • a family history of eye disorders

  • your child has a medical issue or syndrome that increases their risk of eye conditions.

What does a child’s specialist eye examination involve?

Your child will initially be assessed by a specialist paediatric orthoptist who is an allied health professional specially trained in children’s vision who will measure their level of vision and their eye alignment and movements. Dilating drops will then usually be instilled in your child’s eyes and once they have taken effect (approx 30min) you will see the Dr Sharwood. In older children other diagnostic tests such as advanced imaging or visual field testing may also be required to help diagnose or monitor their eye condition.


We have a great playroom and TV to entertain children while they are at the practice but you may wish to bring a snack/drink for your child.

How do you check a young child’s vision?

Testing is tailored to your child’s age/developmental level and in preverbal children involve observation of your child’s visual behaviour towards different types of toys or pictures or playing matching games with pictures or letters. 

Why does my child need dilating eye drops for their eye examination?

Dilating eye drops are required to identify focusing errors in young children and to get the most accurate reading for focusing errors in primary school aged children. It also allows assessment of the health of critical structures in the child’s eye such as the lens, optic nerve, macula and retina. Dilating drops are almost always required for an initial comprehensive eye assessment of children under the age of 10.

What should I expect when my child gets the dilating drops?

Our staff are highly trained in instilling eye drops in children of all ages. The drops sting from approximately 10 seconds and then take approximately 30min to have effect. They will widely dilate the child’s pupil and relax their focusing system. Your child will be sensitive to bright light and their vision may be blurred for 4-6 hours after the appointment. Their pupils may remain larger than normal for up to 12-24 hours. 

Queensland Ophthalmology & Oculoplastics Care